Friday, October 21, 2016

The Black Widow needs help!

Morigan has been busting her butt at practice, training as many as 4-5 days a week. Wrestling at multiple clubs and upping her game with a grueling strength training regiment every day after practice. She makes a lot of sacrifices to reach for her dream. She wants a national championship. (And a cat. I told her she can have a cat if she wins a national title.)

The life lesson I am hoping to teach my daughter is that you can dream big, put in the work, and then achieve your dream. She has gotten very close this year. Placing 2cd at three different national tournaments. Since then she has buckled down hard in her focus, and added much more emphasis to strength training then she ever has before.

So now mostly due to the timing, we find ourselves dealing with a financial obstacle.

She has an important wrestling camp with NCAA Champion Mitch Clark, who has taught her what is basically 80% of her top game. She is a top specialist and scores well there. That goes on the 1st weekend of next month.

Immediately following that, she has another shot at her National Title, the Border Wars tournament being the following weekend. The timing so far as the training is good. She will be fresh off a three day camp with one of her best instructors. The timing so far as finances is not so good.

I am putting in extra hours at work, and some people have agreed to help, but even with their help I need about $200 of a cushion to ensure she can get to both events.

There is a donation widget on the top right of this blog. Please consider giving whatever you can. Anything helps. She has been busting her butt and deserves this shot before the regular season begins.


Neil Kiernan-

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